According to experts, about 30% of the people, likes computer games, abused finding in the virtual, and 10% - are in the process of psychological dependence. So whether the games something of a drug? When and from whom conventional psychiatric discharge becomes dependent?
The phenomenon of psychological dependence rights of computer games is - claim psychologists. Many people hobby computer is not in favor, some of them are in need of serious psychological help. Violations of mental states they are visibly naked eye: a reduction in mood, health, activity, the deterioration of health up to depression, increased anxiety. For such people the real world is missing, uninteresting and full of dangers. As a result, they are trying to live in another world - a virtual, where everything is allowed, where he sets the rules of the game. Disadaptation, poor perception of themselves and the world - the main feature of computer games. In doing so, given the dependence of the surrounding people are aware of friends, relatives, acquaintances, but not himself.
The main criteria for determining the disease, experts believe the following:
unwillingness to be distracted from the game;
irritation with the forced diversion;
failure to plan the end of the conversation game;
spending big money to ensure the continuous updating of computer games and devices;
forgetting about the home, office, school, meetings and arrangements in the course of the game on your computer;
neglect their health, hygiene and sleep in favor of more time at the computer;
abuse of coffee and other similar factors;
willingness to address the irregular, random and monotonous food, not isolation from the computer;
a sense of emotional recovery during the game;
discuss issues with all of the game less knowledgeable in this area people.
Psychologists have argued that dependence on games appears much faster than any other traditional dependence: smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc. On average, requires no more than a half-year for its formation.